有安杏果へ #ココロノオト ライブアルバムCD レビュー | adealfiのブログ



I may sound a little critical on this review but I did it in good intention

1. ハムスター
Intro(拍手) before Hamster うまい, Somehow I miss the background singing
2. Feel a Heartbeat
杏果's Guitar sound...なんか...大きい(> <)
Piano/Keyboard arangement Change drasticaly
it's confirmed, it's not 東京さよなら but 東京ファイナル
3. 遠吠え,
なるほど so that's where "Can you hear My voice ?" came from...
but I'm more interested on the "Listen to My voice",
If 杏果 want 杏果's voice to be listened,
if 杏果 want auidence to focus on 杏果's voice,
please show less skin ... cover up...(。-人-。).
compared to Recording version, there's couple of Falseto and less vibra.
4. 教育
杏果's ドラム演奏 is good, but ドラムサウンド is ちっちゃい, lack of power,
put some more power.
5. DriveDrive
杏果 sounds tired , out of breath.
6. ヒカリの声
Very similar or maybe same as Recording version..
7. 色えんぴつ
As always I Got goosebump since start, I ended up crying...杏果's voice...it's just..
full of emotion and Beautiful....Angelic voice.
and that guitar sound ... it's... "cry".
Somehow I just can't accept this beautifull song was created for a simple reason,
it deff something that came from Deepest part of 杏果's heart.
8. 裸
Comparing to the one in Recording version,
I don't know why, but I felt less emotions from 杏果's voice
and the first 「ハ〜ハ〜っ♪」 version is changed...I like one on the Recording version better
I can hear the Background singer, woman voice just like the Recording version.
in one sentence :, "Song that I always feel too short "I want more of it",
now it felt sooo long that makes Me want to hit skip forward"...
9. 小さな勇
Small Arangement Change, didn't lose it's identity,
sendai version with Lala from audience I'm sure it will be perfect
10. ペダル
In 1 word "BRAVO" , Loved it, (I'm a bit bias because I Love Momoka Voice so much)
I also got goosebump on this one, ギター演奏 is still acceptable and enjoyable
「やっぱ やめた♪」 02.24, Cute, proly singing while running ?
12. Catch Up,
Stable 安定
13. 愛されたくて,
It's Too Jazz ... 私が"Heavy Jazz"は逃げったものです (> <),
I like the 「Ohoohh♪」 Par and the similar one tough
14. Another Story
Drum sound is not...round...also a little change in arangement
I can deffinetly feel 杏果's emotions, singing from the heart
15. 心の旋律
Got goosebump from the start, love the Piano arangement ,
the 「もう〜♪」 part of 「もう〜離さない♪」 I think it will be better if you go higher,
one thing, Need more Vibra
16. FaHB

aaa ummm.... Good Job (°∀°)b

It's good to try new things, but it's better to master one thing first then try expand to new thing
Like Geropa call, when Momoka already used to/Fluent in playing Drum, try again,
it will feel more good/better not just For the audience but also for 杏果
and that last FaHB too (if i'm not mistaken, Guitar solo is also 杏果)
杏果 definitely need to train breathing Technique and Stamina For singing Live 3 hours
Changing arangement a lot of time, I guess 杏果 is still searching for 杏果's own Identity
and that also carried on to how You treated Your own song...
kinda sad cause it looks like the song have no identity (arangement keep changing)

I hope this review somehow, in any way, can help 杏果's growth, even if it's only a little
Change what you can change but don't try to change all of it, esp when you have so little time to do it

and on my previous blog i wrote
"one who knows the darkness of one self and admit it, is one who can see the true light and appreciate it"
a little explanation,
After you admit your darknes, Don't just admit it, but Fix it seek the light.

As MCZ Green 杏果 is too restricted, but as 有安杏果(Solo) 杏果 is too Independent
Being Independent is good, but that doesn't mean you have to do everything by yourself
For ex, Concert Music/Sound Directing, 杏果 should handed it to someone with experience, and learn from them, or Co-Directing, or Have a Concert Directing Advisor.
and after 2 or 3 year 杏果 can try it again(Directing 杏果's own concert independently)
Somehow i felt that 杏果 is in a hury,
it's Like "i'm only given 2 years to do Solo perf, so i;m gonna try everything, and Do everything by myself, so i didn't missed anything and have 2 fullfiling years", I really hope that is not the case...



