有安杏果へ, A Week have passed, Still I feel Uneasy | adealfiのブログ



Maybe I'm In Too deep...


"Too" Little of Something or "Too" Much of Something always is not a good thing


"Too" Much Eating is Poisonus

"Too" Little Eating is Not Good for health

Riding "Too" Fast is Dangerous
Riding "Too" Slow you will become Nuisance to surroundings


Working "Too" Much you'll end up in hospital or worst ...Grave...
Working "Too" Little you'll get broke

"Too" Much Love will Kill you (Freddie Mercury)
"Too" Little Love is Lonely

Trusting "Too" Much you'll end up betrayed and Disapointed
Trusting "Too" Little and You'll end up with no Friend



If It's The End

It's Really Sad
You Showed us Your Dreams
and You Ended it and Discard it after you Achive it
Are you Really that Arrogant ?
I Don't Believe that you are...


If It's not the End
If It's Just a Title change or a Short term Break/Hiatus
Please wrote something in your Blog
Because I trust your Blog contents more,
Compared to the Interview in magazines or Pamflet Contents.


The older you are ,More choice will appear, More Decision to Make

Chose wisely Decide Calmly for your future Deppends on it

And Please, Please, and Please, Don't do Something that you will regret in the future
Think Before you act, Before you do, Before you decide
You can't change the past but you can learn from the past