有安杏果へ, 有安杏果171128ブログ& 宿題 | adealfiのブログ



(I was going to write each and every song inside ココロノオト Album Impressions,
But i guess lots of peps already did it, i did some to on twitter and previous blog contents,

and I'm Quite agree with Most of other people Impresion)

Because of that i guess i will just write My Impresions of ココロノオト as a whole Album


To me ココロノオト is a complete Album

It have song for each and every Momment/Occasion/Time

It has songs for when you just wake up / Start your day

It has songs for when you are about to get sleep / End your day

It has songs for when you are Happy, Crowded and High spirited

It has songs for when you are Sad, Lonely or Down

It has songs for when you are commuting each day

It have songs for when you are In Love and Broken hearted

It has songs that gives you courage when you face adversity,hardship

It have songs that Comforts you for when you are lost

It Have songs for when you are celeberating something

It has songs for when you're busy or relaxing

It has songs that have deep religious meaning


Lyrically i can't comment much, but it's not an album with simple lyrics, it's deep.

Musically, it's AMAZING, i love it so much, the only songs that sounded "standard" is Catch-Up,
But Catch-Up Lyrics Capture the feeling inside each and every
杏果's Fan, and that's exceptional,
And as i wrote before, I'm not so into Jazz, but
遠吠え and 愛されたくて charmed me...,

well, I admit 杏果'sの exceptional 歌声 also plays part in making me liking both songs,

遠吠え especialy.


And as i twitted before, I love all the songs inside this album,

therefore i can't pick one songs as my favorite,

I'm Sory 杏果, But i do notice something,

something that this album is lacking of, Love Ballad songs,

something that sounds like BonJovi songs or Mariah Carey or Boyz II Men,

Scorpions, Air Suply, The Bangless, Chicago, Richard Mark, Tommy Page...etc

I hope one day 杏果 will wrote it(°∀°)b , and of course Sing it (^ε^)♪






PS. I'm Sorry for such bad essay, i got busy and caught cold... can't think of better words, will redo this homework later

